Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Moody Princess

Princess is v v mOOdy... coz of a lot of factors... unspoken words... substituted by one word... mOOdy... thanks mummy... for being thr to listen to Princess's difficulties... for being thr to share my troubles wif Princess... N @ night... thanks to best fren for years... for being thr for Princess each n every time Princess is dwn... if not for every time... for most of e times... Thanks for e effort to fetch Princess out to take a break... to an unplanned n surprising getaway from e world activity... to lift Princess out of e moodyness for tt moment... Princess muz be STRONG!!! jia you... muz pull thru to year end... MUST...

Princess SS

Monday, November 24, 2008

Darren's wedding...

Love the black chicken soup tt mummy prepares... v v nice... steamy hot... great taste... Tender meat of the black chicken thigh... wooo... v v nice leh...

Head dwn to shop a'lil... coz need to exchange smthing @ smwhr... then head dwn to Darren's wedding @ St Regis... Instant WHAO factor dawn upon u once u step in the holding area... Nice albums wif their wedding pics taken in Paris during summer... then... strolled ard n found a 3-storey wedding cake wif their weddings pics... shots by shots on e cake!!! WHAO!!! N guess wat... e cocktail tt is being served was french desserts n ferreo rocher choc!!! WHAO!!! n as walking into e ballroom...e stage caught attention by having another 3-storey cake thr...!!! WHAO!!! n nx WHAO comes from e 20-sitter round table for e guest table whr it hosts both e in-laws..WHAO!!! n guess wat nx...every table was decorated v nicely wif pots of flowers in e middle of e table... WHAO!!! n thr were wedding bells on each table for guests to ring upon entry of e couple... Idea rite..? WHAO!!! nx WHAO is... they have 3 big screen projectors tt covered all concerns of e ballroom so easy watching...!!! n e serving of e 5 course fine-dining like cuisine... WHAO!!! N guess wat again... thr was a LIVE BAND for e music @ every juncture of e wedding... instead of e conventionary music from sound system...WHAO!!! Realli e best n grand-est wedding ever been too!!! Same sentiments for alot of colleagues... N plus wif e nicest souvenirs!!! WHAO!!!


Princess SS

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Princess is tired...

Pasta...!!! Princess's fav...
Princess fav snack... Chilli beef fries!!!
Slept less than 5hrs... from fridae to saturdae... Princess wanna work hard for e yr end!!!
Princess SS

Friday, November 21, 2008

Princess & Yoshi

Carol's Tanjong Rhu property... =D
Princess wif YOSHI!!! so cute...
Went to Carol's house for steamboat... V v nice food wor... love e crab!!! n still got ai xin self made agar agar by her... wooo... n then started playing Wii... V fun leh!!! can create character tt look like u... n then e games olympic games realli v fun lor... realli makes u exercise alot... n we were panting after playing juz for awhile... Princess also wanna get Wii to lose weight!!! So funzzz...
Princess doing roadshow today!!! oh man... long time no do liao!!! oh man... speechless... =X
After roadshow went supper wif e group... realli haf last time tt roadshow feeling...
Everytime go Carol's house... realli feel like owning a house too... so nice... got so much private time... n space... hee... work hard bah!!!
Princess SS

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Princess loves her bed...

Having MOndae blues from weekend till nw... NO LAH!!! juz joking lor... 've been working e whole entire last week including last weekend was burnt... mondae or no mondae no diff liao... ZZZzzz... last 1/4 of e yr liao... muz maintain hi ENERGY!!! =D

jiayou jiayou... Princess is glad to be in Singapore... don't feel like gg overseas for anything leh... juz feel like nua-ing @ home in the night... will miss e smell of e bed... n e cosyness of e bed... dreading to go over.... don't want... ZZZzzz...

Within 0.5m radius... magnetic...

Princess SS

Monday, November 10, 2008

An ordinary dae...

Juz an ordinary dae passed by... Worked in e office from morning till night... left office @ a gd time of 9pm++... ZZzzz... Nothin special todae... ZZzzzz...

Princess SS

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Burnt weekend finalli over...

Ruins after a hunger craze...
Hard Rock Cafe

After a burnt weekend working... Time to haf a v rewarding dinner on a Sundae night!!! xia ren... so sorry to let u wait for ~1.5hrs... Thank u for ur patience... esp after u having a sleepless night still had to wait... dash to e dinner place n ordered Princess's fav food Pasta!!! but e serving is real damn big... eat till wann puke... haha... but after tt when saw Hagaen Daes stall by e roadside still dashed for a Belgian choc cup... haha... weirds hor... V tired... wanna haf a gd rest... n looking forward to... ... ... answer anyone...?
Hee hee!!!
Princess SS

juz home from work...

Juz reached home from office... tiring dae @ work... nt enuff zzz e last few daes this weekend is burnt by work too... zzz... wanna rest le...

A handsome p*****... nice patience... gentle voice... gentlemanly behavior (like prawn peeling...)... skillful driving skills (considerate nuff to park ur car for u...)... nice encounter... who can resist...

Princess going to sleep le...


Princess SS

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Rom's wedding @ Novotel

Taking corporate photo todae... ~~~

Todae is Rom's wedding!!! went to his wedding dinner held @ Novotel Clarke Quay... e service thr is gd...

went to Altivo after e wedding... it was ~2yrs ago since Princess last went to Altivo... nw it's bcum v nice nice... maybe coz due to e xmas deco... took some pics... but P&C... haha... anyway... v nicly deco for e festive season tt is coming... thr's a tower tt looks like Eiffel Tower... haha... n also... went for e cable car ride @ a gd time of 1145pm!!! n e mgt of Altivo has totally change... e whole area is refurnished.. whoa... v posh n romantic settings... choosed to enter e Opal Lounge... n discovered a nice kiddy drink... Governor's Smile... a mixture of honey, milk n orange juice... beatify Princess's skin...?!

Enuff!!! go back to work!!!

Princess SS

Friday, November 7, 2008

Amazing feel

Princess had her agency outing ydae... was a v fun dae... learnt hw to play floorball... e way of holding a floorball stick is totally opp from e way u hold golf / hockey... v v fun... e moz fun thing is tt it's an agency event n tt all of us r able to enjoy tgt b4 e last lap of e year wif lots of hard work... n realli happi tt Princess's agents were thr to join in e event too... play play play till fell n roll on e floor... but was still v fun!!! heee...

Went for 99cents sushi after e floorball... yums... nice... waiting for e pics to be loaded by e photo taker.. hee...

After tt... spent a really really really GREAT night... =D

GREAT n LONG night...

Went appt e nx dae... which is todae... Princess was thinking abt... thinking abt... thinking n thinking... N nvr to expect...!!! it was such a... such alot of places for appt making.. n it was thr... n it was tt duty time... n... oh gosh... oh gosh... heart beat accelerates 10X... n tt feeling of excitment is so strong... so strong... within a radius of 5m... amazing... Princess wishes... ... ...

Princess SS

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

So close...

Princess had a long dae @ work todae again... all e way from morning till 11pm!! Woo... hmm... but then Princess was in high spirits todae again!!! guess wat... hee...

Princess's molecules vibrates 100X faster within a radius of 1/2 metre from object... That vibration is able to bring Princess's happiness lvl to a hi and last e day... Experiment results...?

Princess SS

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Elated Princess!

Princess is on cloud No. 9 todae... hmm... delicious dae... wah... is this e way to describe a dae...? No leh... actualli todae is a full working dae... gave training in the morning... had lunch wif agents in e afternoon n then proceed to work again... actualli quite a siong dae in fact... work all e way to 10pm in e night... then end of e dae wif meeting bestie frenie for din din @ secret hiding place... din din @ 10pm leh...famished... luckily client treated some Mac deals during dinner time... n managed to tax on it abitz... Princess wearing tt smile whole dae long (since 1015am... *) ... long time long time long time don haf tt feeling le... but it's back!!! last felt it during... anyway... don't think so much!!! work hard!!!

Princess SS

Sunday, November 2, 2008


Todae is a very bright and sunny Sundae!!! See-ing this kinda weather also improves a person's mood... Nice feelin... Feeling the sun's heat touch down on the skin feels so warm and cosy... Spent a quality dae to replenish the energy for the coming up week tt is packed wif work!!! Thanks for bringing Princess to such a nice place for dinner tho Princess din ate much... sld haf brgt along a camera to capture e good food...

Princess wanna remind herself to work hard!!!

Princess SS

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Goodbye to curls!!!

Princess's lovely collection... Love'em!!!
New Princess look... *wah!!

Princess has a new look!!! good bye to the curls tt stayed wif Princess for ~2 years... Work work work n more work!!! Last 1/4 le...
Princess SS

Monday, October 27, 2008

Rest is precious...

I wanna rest rest rest till e sun don't shine... ohooh...
Princess is looking forward to a v v good rest... gotta work even on weekends n PH... oh man... realli wanna get a rest soon... Soooooo looking forward!!!
Princess SS

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Not feeling v well... =(

Princess is not feeling v well these few days... stomach nt feelin well... n gt backaches... signs of od age...? sobbie... however... still gotta work... n still forecasting a busy week coming ahead nx week... working on this sat too...

Thanks to best fren who acc Princess to satisfy her strudel craving tt dae!!! *yummy...

N thanks to best fren todae who popped by my show to acc me for a meal... realli like c ing rainbow in the mist of clouds... *phew...

Needa work v hard... jiayou...

Hope to feel well soon...

Princess SS

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yipee ya x 2 yipee x 2 ya

Last fri's appt @ RC...
Fri work... sat work... sun... hmm... Princess was able to satisfy her morning bak guk teh craving... met her best fren for breakfast on a beautiful sundae morning... then after tt went M & P... n it's time to rest for e coming week!!!
Monday... start of a brand new week... of coz start wif loads of work... selling + mentoring... jiayou Princess...
After appt... met up wif "old frens"... whoa... went to our fav supper place last time... omg... v v guilty tt Princess actualli ate quite alot fo supper... muz quit!!! one of e bestest gathering Princess had this year when she can realli luff from e heart...
Sleepy... earli earli tomorrow!!!
Quick Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Princess SS

Friday, October 17, 2008

Gals night out!

Super duber... duber super... super duber BUSY... after a night gathering out wif gals... today started work from 9am to 10pm... tiredzzz... sleepy... ZZZzzz...

Princess SS

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Princess gg into spree!

Princess went for EE todae... after meeting in office... yipee ya ya yipee yipee ya... Had dinner wif family b4 meeting bunchie... n supposed to go for a gathering to meet a fren who juz came back from overseas... however got another fren who needs a listening ear n Princess can't juz leave fren thr... so decided to tend to e fren in need instead tho wished much to go for gathering... went to a secret hiding place whenever we were down we happened to juz tink of tt place... since 2006... sat down n chatted till e cafe closes... n even extended another 1hr+ of chat outside... however... e time spent was realli well spent... n enjoyed quality time wif fren...

eyes v v tired nw... tucking in nw... sleepy... *yawnz...

Princess SS

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Princess is craving for Ribena!!!

yipee ya ya yipee yipee ya...~~

Yeah... e busy busy weekend is finalli over!!! can take a little breather... but expected to be busy e following weeks till year end coz last 1/4 of e year...?!

Princess finished work n juz felt like dashing out of e buzzing city to back home to relax at her fav corner... sipping a cup of hot camomile tea... woo... realli feeling v relax after a busy shedule... Princess is enjoying e quiet moment nw...

Princess done up her collection of beautiful n cute earrings all from Korea n Japan packed nicely into a Kimchi Doll box... *satisfied... so nice...

Princess SS

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Big ARROW fallen...

yipee ya ya yipee yipee ya

Princess SS

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hope is all ard!!!

Run for Hope last Sunday!
Princess SS

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cheers to my life!!!

Yummy foodie after a tiring day of work... (@ Bab Noodle House)

Nice beer!!! 0.5l =D

Celebrating October Fest... Isn't e muggie balloon cute?

After a long dae of work Princess finally got to sit down to enjoy her dinner... n it was already 9pm!!! Famished!!! After dinner went over to haf a drink... woo hoo... chance upon a celebration of October Fest @ e place... e place was quite hyped up n Princess n ger fren was dragged down to dance to a song by e performers...! all eyes were on us while we were dancing... abit uneasy... guess we r nt too peacock ya... but realli enjoyed ourselves... went home after a "screaming @ e top of our lungs chat" @ e bar... n we've come up wif mission possible plans to be executed nx week... wahahahhahahahaha... gonna take a rest nw... ZZzzz...

Princess's self imaginery full filled bottle of happiness which in reality was empty for e past 1 year is finalli 1/2 filled nw...

Princess SS

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Join Princess~

"Join me for a fun & exciting career!"
Princess SS

Don't wanna bump into U again...

Juz reached home...
Opps... Princess upside down...
It shows hw toppled Princess is as she has bumped into so coincidently for 2 consecutive days!!! Hope tt will nvr, ever, bump into again...
Princess in her fav t-shirt... nice?
Todae... another dae of earli morning... but also a happy incentive dae... XO lunchie... followed by Reflex... followed by Mama Mia...!!! Then had dinner @ Vivo @ Thai... oops... dunno wat... bt had nice food... their bee hoon tom yam is fantastic!!! Tomorrow another earli dae... haf been earli till late night for consecutive 1 week plus... needa break... wanna haf more productive things on hand... PRODUCTIVE... Jiayou!!!
Princess SS

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Princess wanna work hard~

Life is unpredictable n vunerable...
Every hr, every min, every sec...
It is living thru an experience...
Tt evokes feelings...
Feelings of happiness...
Feelings of sadness...
ABC teaches us to feel good...
N feeling good will attract good...
Every min...
U will not know if e thing tt appears before u...
Will bring u happiness or sadness...
But impt thing is to know tt it's ur life...
N u take charge in steering ur own life...
Towards achieving a sweet life!!!

Princess SS

Friday, October 3, 2008

Princess appearing on Straits Times today!!!

Princess woke up and chk on Ome's right eye... Ome's eye better liao!!! Can open bigger liao... tink he muz realli haf knocked into something bah... Glad tt his eye is recovering liao!!! =)


haha... final sprint post syndrome... wahaha...

Todae Princess finalli haf e chance to try out e Muthu's Curry @ Suntec!!! hee... actualli e food thr nt bad lah... bt warning... e serving is realli quite big... one of e dish tt e indian waiter intro is realli v nice... fried spice mutton... ohyishi desu... (*Princess forgot to bring camera to take down all e Bombay dishes!!! =( ) Princess is happi to meet up wif this fren who juz came back from his training in Perth & Brisbane... n e gd news is... he is gg to officially start flying in comin Nov! Congrats!!! =D Princess promised to take e flight tt he is flying one dae to a destination to tour tgt...

N all clients and friends of Princess... Princess is gg to appear on Straits Times todae!!! Pls gif Princess ur fullest support by buying e newspaper n cutting e article out?!? haha... duhz...

Earli earli morning 2mo... aarrggghhhhh... i want to work hard n earn more $$$...

Princess SS

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Happy Hari Raya...

A very beautiful public hols... had a great guay tiao breakfast @ home sweet home... "teetee..." sms came in... but Princess is not free in e day coz got appts to run on this public hol!!! ah doi doi... woke up earli so as to haf some time to indulge in M & P b4 gg for work... n was indulging in some WS too.... yeah... bt half way gotta halt... aarrggghhh...

Went to client's house for appt... recently had been exposed to a bit of family business... hmmm... whr is e flat!!?? luckily client is kind enuff to gif patient guidance to Princess... Princess's patience has grown from bad to gd seriously... used to be v frustrated if can't find bt nw v v calm...

Afterwhich rush for another appt coz overshot timing le!!! n finalli.. ended e dae wif teachin candidate m9... hope tt they'll do well coming time...

Went home to bathe b4 meeting bunchie @ secret hiding place... enjoyed this particular night... enjoyed their company...

N did Princess mention tt she is v upset coz Ome's right eye is injured... so sad... n worried for Ome... when will he recover?? Princess don even haf a clue hw Ome injured his eye... muz be climb here n thr lor... Poor Ome... so notti...

Princess SS

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

- loaded wif work week -

Reached home after working... lying on e bed... listening to Princess's fav Class 95 of love songs... n sipping tt cup of steaming Camomile tea... wooooo... really feel v relax... wif those soothing songs to Princess's ears...
Supposed to attend a client's bdae party... but can't go coz of work... here's wishing her a v happy birthday!
N after work promised a fren to go supper... bt also last min din go... sorry zx... promise to catch ya soon... been some time since we last catch up...
Princess been caught up wif work recently... n after work juz feel like dashing home to relax... hee...
Oh ya... received a red bomb from a v gd fren todae... whoa... congrats Rom Rom... ^.^
Can u see Princess's precious Ome in e picture? Nowadays... Ome juz loves e camera... everytime he sees Princess walking to his cage... he'll excitedly pop up n cum to greet... n when he sees e camera he's even more excited... n starts to bite e grills... so cute... Princess loves u soooo... muacks!!!
Ok... Princess gonna relax abit b4 tucking in... nightie nights...
Princess SS

Monday, September 29, 2008

Start of a busy week...~~~

Today is e start of a busy week... u knw... non-cumulative of xxx kind of busy... n carryin tt mindful of emoticons... lots of emoticons floating thru Princess's mind... bugging her down... aarrrgghhh... any hero out thr... can pass a mana shield to Princess... or a ball of perserverance... pls...
Princess SS

Thursday, September 25, 2008


Ohaiyo gozaimusu!!! =)
Itadakimasu!!! =D

Monday, September 22, 2008

Big breakfast morning...

Princess's moz treasured "mouse"...
Ohaiyo gozaimazu Ome!!!
Snore~~~ on running wheel...
Princess's love radio!!!
Beautiful sundae morning... altho Princess gotta work from afternoon onwards... Princess woke up to have Mac Big Breakfast with a fren... Yummy... long time no eat Mac breakfast liao... after breakfast... went to buy 4D coz fren wanted to buy... N guess wat!!! the 4 numbers really appeared! bt jumbled up... sld haf went to er shi si da... hai... went to play all time fav catch catch game... n spent $XX w/o getting anything... sobbie... no luck wif catch catch recently... then went over to secret hiding place for a short shortwhile b4 gg to work... met up wif clients n thereafter went to fetch mummy from work n daddy... recently got alot of family bonding coz daddy rented a HK drama serial to watch as a family...
Oh ya... n few days ago... Kang boi passed his test... n best is it's e 1st attempt!!! Yipee Yaya Yipee Yipee Ya... Don't slack huh... ah boi n ah ger... pls jiayou for e next crucial one...
long week ahead... wif an early starting morning 2mo...
Princess SS

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Princess SS

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Princess happy wif little things in life...~

Pretty work by Princess... isn't it? =)
Cute stuff makes life happier... =)
Nice little food makes life sweeter! =)

Princess SS

Craving for a relaxing massage?...

Princess started her busy dae... went for appts... back office... then appts... then meet gal fren for din din... although several v mind bogging issues still bothering Princess mind... she forced herself to concetrate on her work... muz jiayou!

Went over to Vivo city to meet a referral... it's been long since Princess last when to Vivo.. compared to last time... Vivo nw has more push-carts along e shopping mall selling things... Princess happens to chance upon a Sanrio shop!!! Yeah... so happy...went inside n stayed pretty long to look @ e things thr... all so cute... Princess bgt a hp screen protector from thr... n also 2 rubber bands... went back hm... clean e sceen carefulli... n pasted e screen protector nicely on hp... wahhhh... nr knew Princess can be so independent too... can actualy settle such a clumsy thing by herself... e protector is cut nicely leh... n pasted nicely leh...

Met up wif gl fren for din din.... got to knw a bad news from her... her bf has went after another gal while he was wif her n nw gettng married to e new gal... wat kinda man is this??? thr's no everlasting in this world... Not in Princess world... Princess offered to gif gal fren a treat for e din din to cheer her up... jiayou gal...

Princess SS

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

pasta mania for dinner...

Todae Princess tranforms into a tuition teacher... taught Kang boi for 3.5hrs... when went home voice abit hoarse liao... hope tt Kang boi realli will take e exam seriously then both our efforts won't go down e drain... got a few things tt's bogging Princess's mind... was thinking thru over e days but still haven got answers to them yet... anyway... good soul will be returned wif a good favor... n being kind will reap good karma... although ppl may think you are stupid... but as long as you do things kindly n think simple... everything will juz become simple...

Princess's Ome is growing dae by dae! N he loves star biscuit... everytime Princess hands him tt... he is very happy n leaps forward to grab e biscuit wif his 2 forehands n sit down n bite... can visualize hw cute he is? Ome also starts to recognise voices le... everytime Princess calls him @ his cage... he'll climb up e cage... starting to love Ome as e days go by...

Back from secret hiding place... contented wif a new character learnt... =)

Busy dae tomorrow...

Princess SS

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Craving for a slice of mooncake?!

ARrrggghhhh...gotta work on a beautiful saturdae...tiredz...muz jiayou!!!

Princess managed to survive thru e workin afternooon...went over to Hereen...to pick up a charm braclet watch from Fossil...got it from voucher redemption...hmm...realli quite nice wor...abit of classy look...coupled wif abit of ragged look...woo...

drove over to Chambers...to watch an exciting Man U vs Liv.Pool...oh man...yes...Man U scored a goal within the 1st 10 mins...Princess was very hungry by e time reached Chambers...Man U scored while Princess was gobbling down her Starving size pasta from Sketches...hmm...yum yum...not long after...Liverpool went in!!! arrggghhh...break...half-time over...Princess n frens munching top shell...chicken wings...calamari...mouth non-stop...bt eyes fix on e screen...nx moment...Liverpool scored again!!!....ah doi doi...how can tt be...Princess's beloved Man U...

Went for a drink after e upsetting score of 2-1 wif Liverpool winning...?!!?!!

Not forgetting...tomorrow still gotta work...work n more work...

Sundae leh...gif Princess a break!!!

Princess SS

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Quality time spent...!

Nicely prepared home cooked food by LBN...wah...really not bad...2nd time visiting her house...1st time was when her house was in renovation...this time round is her house fully renovated n up...Princess's lao ban niang's house really very inspiring to Princess...to own a condo @ Tanjong Rhu road...supported by herself...n she's only @ young @ age 30...hmm..really makes Princess wanna set to model after her to be a career woman...this is wat we call achievement at young age...n this can only be done if only u join our career Princess believes...n also e mentorship tt all can get from e bosses...really...

Princess makes way to meet a fren after dinner @ LBN place...hmm...nt headin to town or anywhr n a friday nite...juz a quiet place to sit by...n listen to Princess's fav FM class 95 on a frdae night btw 9pm - 11pm...very nice songs...

"U'll always be a part of me...i'm part of u indefinitely...gal don't u knw u can't escape me...coz darling u knw u'll always be my baby..."


"I miss u like crazy...i miss u like crazy...ever since u went away...every hour every day..."

songs after songs of Princess's fav...

sitting @ e cafe...surfing net...working...

do u call this a quality fridae?

Princess SS

Friday, September 12, 2008

Princess wanna eat nice moon cake

"but u put on quite a show...really had me going...nw it's time to go...curtains finally closing...tt was quite a show...very entertaining...but it's over nw...go on n take a bow..."

this song is in one of the cds tt Princess's clients got for Princess... n Princess found this song's lyrics very catchy...hee...ah doi doi...

Princess's Ome growing fatter n fatter liao...everytime Ome sleeps in e corner of e cage...Princess juz feels like pinching on it's thick thick fur...so cute!!! =P *hee*

get back to work...get back to work!!!

Princess SS

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Work hard!~~

Work... work n more work...

Princess is up till this hour still working on things... bt abit gulity coz sld haf finished work earlier if nt haf dropped by old secet hiding place...

hmm... gt to knw tt kang boi actually gt read Princess' blog one ah... Since so... let me remind n stress kang boi again to study hard to pass ur exams!!!

Princess's wish nw is to help ah ger n ah bois to pass their exams... n also... they muz also put in effort themselves ah...

jiayou everyone... n jiayou Princess for this month!!!

Princess SS

Tuesday, September 9, 2008


Omelette bitting non-stop on the cage bars
Omelette climbing even higher...bitting...
wat's wrong wif Princess's pet pet Omelette!?! woke up earli in the morning todae n heard a noise coming from... Princess was lead by e noise to Ome's cage... n saw Ome bitting non-stop on the bars of the cage... n coz e white paint from e bars to drop onto e table... *aaarrrgghhh... wat is Ome doin?! Princess threathens to beat Ome's mouth thru e bar... but Ome did nt retract... he still continues to bite... n climb even to higher bars to bite!!!... ah doi doi... can't be bothered wif Ome liao... Princess went to wash up for brunch liao... Experiencing a bad throbing headache... maybe nt enuff sleep last night... tonight muz sleep early... went to catch Deathrace juz nw... it's a very exciting show...macham like playing Nintendo game car racing... like Super Mario will cross n eat the flower buttons to haf power...hmm...those tt watched will knw wat Princess mean...long long time since Princess touch down @ Cineleisure... bgt Amos cookies...wanted to buy Ribena from 7-11 thr...bt e 7-11 no longer available...things haf changed...juz like other things...anyway...had a nice drink @ nearby new secret hiding place to complete e night wif...Princess turning in real soon...very very tired...gd night folks...

Princess SS

Monday, September 8, 2008

Adventurous weekend...!!

Princess's 1st ever drive in to MALAYSIA!!! As thr were nt enuff cars to drive in to meeting... Princess gotta drive in too... altho she was very very scare n worried... alot of drifters over e weekend... n e custom jam was really terrible... stuck for 2+ hrs.... meeting ended ard 1++am... Princess very tired then liao... still needa wash car... petrol... reached home @ ard 4am... n cooked maggie mee to eat till morning 6am plus then turn in...

Sunday evening...
long tim since Princess last watch movie... caught e movie called 4bia... intro by candidate... n ate popcorn!!! long time no popcorns wif movie coz knight in e past hates popcorns... bt nt quite nice... walked to Singapore Flyer after movie...very very nice scenry n view....actually after gg to Flyer personally, feels tt it's more like a tourist attraction spot...

went to haf a drink @ Keppel Bay after e whole thing... Keppel Bay is very serenade place... very peaceful n calm... Peach magaritas... nt nice... ZZZZzzzz...

Princess wants her beauty sleep right now!!!

Princess SS

Friday, September 5, 2008

Low on mana~

feels terrible e whole dae...

can hardly keep my eyes open...

very tired... yet lots of things to do...

Princess SS

Thursday, September 4, 2008

More than words can say...

A depressing dae...




Princess SS

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Omelette's new home~

New home for Ome...
Excited Ome jumping onto wheel of his new home...
Gonna miss Paris...
Missing Paris...

Princess concussed after meeting returning home from secret hiding place last night... wanted to upload Princess's pet Ome's new home last night!!! so excited to show-off Ome's new home... chanced upon it while having coffee @ kallang leisue park wif F... walked ard the Pet Kampong thr... (e place whr Ome was bgt) and saw this very nice home... nt after much consideration Princess decided to get it for Ome... Ome is excited at his new home! E moment he gt into it he jumped onto e spinning wheel of his new home... however... e wheel's bitz too small for him to run alot... coz Princess din realise tt Ome has actually grown so big le...!
Hope tt year end will be a smooth closing for Princess...
Working hard...
Princess SS

Monday, September 1, 2008

Finally a breather...~~~

Beautiful sky on cruise, Paris
Street Champ Elysees, Paris
Nice nice french sweeties, Paris (Princess love'em!!!)

finally finally finally... Princess survived thru e hectic week! as very very busy... don't haf time to even log on to e net past few days... usy wif tonnes n tonnes of work... plus whole day 14hrs office shifting operation?! hifted to e new office already... more expensive parking... more ERPs!!! bt Princess's seat is very neat... wif only a photo n a thermal flask...muz restrain to bring any things back... e desk is solely for work!!! Princess working on a Sundae... n suspected might haf met a mystery shopper?!... dunno lah... anyway... postponed quite a few appts to e comin week due to office shifting last week...
Princess juz gt back from meeting bunchie @ secret hiding place... wanted to catch e movie Mummy wif F... bt realised tt it's gonna be dwn soon... n it isnt showing on a sundae bt rather on a tuesday morning as F checked e timings?! ah doi doi... ... think Princess really out-dated leh... mummy so long liao still haven seen it yet... nt even catch dark knight yet... Princess really very very very very very very very long nvr watch movie liao...
arrr!!! 2am plus liao... gotta wake up earli 2mo morning... gg to ZZZ liao...
Princess SS

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

All drained out...

Today morning @ Duck Tour!!! 10am... =)
Grassland of Paris
Cool slurpy ice-cream in 15 degree, Paris, Brrrrr*
Totally burnt out todae! e morning was fine... went to a definite singaporean no experience b4 one... haha... it's e Duck Tour!!! V nice n unique experience... n altho Princess always liked e esplanade n e sea view thr... n walking along e bridge tt leads to Fullerton Hotel from Esplanade... Princess cld nvr imagne tt sitting in e Duck... can see another very beautiful view of tt part of Singapore...n also... saw e Singpore Flyer... wanted very very much to sit with someone since long ago... bt don think will haf e chance... very very nice scenery... took lots of pics...macham like Princess a tourist on Duck?!

Worked one whole dae coz gt duty... till 10pm... v worn out liao... Feels like meeting bunchie... been a couple of days since princess last met up wif them... bt still cant bring to drag princess's butt's outta e bed...

Miss e lying on e green grass... enjoying e fruit of hard work for last year... worry-free... in Paris... n holding tt ice-cream in Princess's hands juz feels so blissful... Chatting wif all-time roomie for incentive trips nw... both she n princess miss 2006 US tour... miss everything of it... miss e ppl... miss e place... miss e feel... miss e air... miss e happiness...

Princess in search for happiness...

Princess SS

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Anticipating a burnt weekend...

Ne Ne & Ni Ni @ metro, Paris (I miss Elites!)
A tuesdae... To work... To work... n to work...
And to anticipate e week to get heavier n heavier as it aproaches e weekend...
Am expected to burn this weekend already...
Burnt weekend... Hai... nothing to look forward to...
So upsetting...
... New challenges ahead... To face it...
Bunchie called... aiyo...Princess lazy to go out... N very tired le...
Can't wait to jump onto e bed... n haf a gd dream...
Princess SS

Mondae Mondae

Groupie @ Notre Dame, Paris
Y does Princess haf to see things tt hurt her yet so deeply? Be strong... be strong... be strong... Princess constantly reminds herself...
It's start of a brand new week again... this week's schedule is so so so packed... needa breather... nt a very gd start tt ah boi nvr pass test... hope tt both ah boi n ah gal will pass soon...
explored a new secret hide-out... nearby office... with very cute toilet sign... *doggie pee-ing toilet sign... very cute... cld haf taken it dwn if had a camera along... F is thr for me again... drinking coffee... Princess hopes to get over e hurt real soon...
Met *** for dinner @ Amara... nt very nice leh e buffet... personally prefers e one @ Goodwood or Mariott... had a gd time cataching up...
Met bunchie @ secret hiding place... had a great time!...
Gonna get back alot of rest to see thru for e rest of e week!
Work hard!
Princess SS

Monday, August 25, 2008

Bad day... Foul mood...

Eiffel Tower within misty grey clouds, Paris
Princess dunno wat had went wrong... N wat to say... n wat to feel... today was juz a very very terrible dae for Princess... nothing seems to go right... right from e start of the dae... from morning till night...

Princess ended e dae wif a heavy heart... very heavy one... thr is so much things to do... so many things to care abt... so many complications abt things... y can't life juz be simple... juz wanna lead a simple life... free of worries... free of troubles... too impossible n too idealistic... hw can thr be no challenges in life...

Heavy feeling... troubled heart... confused mind...

Does e pic describes Princess's feelings best?

"A seemingly lost tower in e middle of gusty misty clouds"

Princess is juz so tired... so tired...

Princess SS

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wore this t-shirt tt was bgt in Paris, isn't it nice? Haf a pic of street Champ Elysee Paris on it... hee... =D
Le Louvre Pyramid, Paris

Le Louvre Inverted Pyramid, Paris

Rainy rainy day... Princess had dinner wif gal fren @ Ajisen @ Bishan Junction 8... V happy to eat thr... Long time no eat le... Went to funland to play catch catch... N...! caught a mickey toy after juz spending $4!!! Big mickey toy... V happy... Used to play catch catch very often... bt nw seldom le... Nw also no sign massage package... no sign mani-pedi package... think nwPrincess is living a brand new life le! Went home earli coz tomorrow gt office cleaning... Hai... V v earli penalty for a sunday morning... Need to reach office @ 8am... coz late for event in Paris... so had to do penalty... Sobbie... ...
Princess SS

Friday, August 22, 2008

Early morning!!!

Beautiful Eiffel Tower...
Princess slept earli last night @ mid night after reaching home from catchin up wif frens... angry lor... coz Princes parked car @ outside landed... tot tt it's v safe coz no lines on e floor... when cum back... saw an offence slip... ah doi doi... beside Princess's car is a fire hydrant!!! so lesson learnt... Don't park beside a fire hydrant!!! n muz be v careful coz lot of summon ambush!!!
wake up earli todae automatically... decided to go dwn to car to clear n pack car boot... for those who haf see my car boot... knws hw messy is e boot... removed all unwanted r***bish... n nw e car feels much lighter... juz like Princess who feels so much lighter emotionally n physically?!!!! haha... a joke?!...
Going to enjoy my fishball kway teow dry le... n coffee here i cum!!! n did Princess mentioned she's v hunrgy nw?... coz she tried to break her jetlag meal time n slept earli last night w/o eating... "gggRrOOO...
Princess SS

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A busy dae...

Beneath Eiffel Tower, Paris

Princess had a very busy dae working todae... need to work realli realli hard for e last 1/4 of e year ya... income dropping liao...

reached home @ 3am... wah... received my credit cards n hp bills... ah doi doi... so many bills to clear... V upsetting wor... cleared e bills wif a V sian mood... went online to chk my bills charged during Paris trip... Ah doi doi!!! broke for e following month le... Nx month when settle bill tt time then die le... =((

hope tt boi n gal can pass exams soon n cum in faster ah...

Work,work, work... n more work... n more work!!!

Jiayou Princess!!!

Princess SS

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jetlag meals n sleeping time?!

hey hey... princess is feeling hungry n going to cook instant noodles soon...

hmm... these few days can't sleep until 4am... ah doi doi... need to wake up early to work leh... ah doi doi... muz start to control diet n sleeping time liao...

Princess finally done up her Paris photo album!!!

Tried to upload my photos to friendster n facebook... bt ntwork cannot make it... always half way hang...
Logging off liao...
Princess SS