Wednesday, September 17, 2008

pasta mania for dinner...

Todae Princess tranforms into a tuition teacher... taught Kang boi for 3.5hrs... when went home voice abit hoarse liao... hope tt Kang boi realli will take e exam seriously then both our efforts won't go down e drain... got a few things tt's bogging Princess's mind... was thinking thru over e days but still haven got answers to them yet... anyway... good soul will be returned wif a good favor... n being kind will reap good karma... although ppl may think you are stupid... but as long as you do things kindly n think simple... everything will juz become simple...

Princess's Ome is growing dae by dae! N he loves star biscuit... everytime Princess hands him tt... he is very happy n leaps forward to grab e biscuit wif his 2 forehands n sit down n bite... can visualize hw cute he is? Ome also starts to recognise voices le... everytime Princess calls him @ his cage... he'll climb up e cage... starting to love Ome as e days go by...

Back from secret hiding place... contented wif a new character learnt... =)

Busy dae tomorrow...

Princess SS