Love the black chicken soup tt mummy prepares... v v nice... steamy hot... great taste... Tender meat of the black chicken thigh... wooo... v v nice leh...
Head dwn to shop a'lil... coz need to exchange smthing @ smwhr... then head dwn to Darren's wedding @ St Regis... Instant WHAO factor dawn upon u once u step in the holding area... Nice albums wif their wedding pics taken in Paris during summer... then... strolled ard n found a 3-storey wedding cake wif their weddings pics... shots by shots on e cake!!! WHAO!!! N guess wat... e cocktail tt is being served was french desserts n ferreo rocher choc!!! WHAO!!! n as walking into e ballroom...e stage caught attention by having another 3-storey cake thr...!!! WHAO!!! n nx WHAO comes from e 20-sitter round table for e guest table whr it hosts both e in-laws..WHAO!!! n guess wat nx...every table was decorated v nicely wif pots of flowers in e middle of e table... WHAO!!! n thr were wedding bells on each table for guests to ring upon entry of e couple... Idea rite..? WHAO!!! nx WHAO is... they have 3 big screen projectors tt covered all concerns of e ballroom so easy watching...!!! n e serving of e 5 course fine-dining like cuisine... WHAO!!! N guess wat again... thr was a LIVE BAND for e music @ every juncture of e wedding... instead of e conventionary music from sound system...WHAO!!! Realli e best n grand-est wedding ever been too!!! Same sentiments for alot of colleagues... N plus wif e nicest souvenirs!!! WHAO!!!
Princess SS