Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yipee ya x 2 yipee x 2 ya

Last fri's appt @ RC...
Fri work... sat work... sun... hmm... Princess was able to satisfy her morning bak guk teh craving... met her best fren for breakfast on a beautiful sundae morning... then after tt went M & P... n it's time to rest for e coming week!!!
Monday... start of a brand new week... of coz start wif loads of work... selling + mentoring... jiayou Princess...
After appt... met up wif "old frens"... whoa... went to our fav supper place last time... omg... v v guilty tt Princess actualli ate quite alot fo supper... muz quit!!! one of e bestest gathering Princess had this year when she can realli luff from e heart...
Sleepy... earli earli tomorrow!!!
Quick Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Princess SS