Sunday, August 10, 2008

Beautiful sundae morning...

It's 10am in e morning onli... N guess wat... Princess is already sitting in Subway... sipping her cup of booster,wat she always needs in e morning... N she has already completed her appt!!!

Slept @ 4am plus ydae after reaching home n finish packing... bt gotta catch my doctor client who is flying off soon... gotta settle his admin 4 him lor... ah doi doi... so early hor... hee...

Bt it reali feels different to wake up earli in e morning n start e dae earli... it wld seem tt u've started e dae rite n haf a longer dae ahead!!!

*Princess feeling bitz of gastric pain

Anyway...catching pilot peck for hi-tea ltr... to celebrate his performance @ NDP?!! wahahahahhahahaahahahaha....

hmm... needa go back office to settle a few stuff... by e one can anyone tell Princess is Soc Leon open on Sundae!? needa send car for repair... sianz...

hope tt while i'm nt ard Princess's bao bei boi boi n ger ger will guaiguai study hard 4 their m5... coz they'll be taking tt when Princess is back!

Princess SS