Wednesday, August 27, 2008

All drained out...

Today morning @ Duck Tour!!! 10am... =)
Grassland of Paris
Cool slurpy ice-cream in 15 degree, Paris, Brrrrr*
Totally burnt out todae! e morning was fine... went to a definite singaporean no experience b4 one... haha... it's e Duck Tour!!! V nice n unique experience... n altho Princess always liked e esplanade n e sea view thr... n walking along e bridge tt leads to Fullerton Hotel from Esplanade... Princess cld nvr imagne tt sitting in e Duck... can see another very beautiful view of tt part of Singapore...n also... saw e Singpore Flyer... wanted very very much to sit with someone since long ago... bt don think will haf e chance... very very nice scenery... took lots of pics...macham like Princess a tourist on Duck?!

Worked one whole dae coz gt duty... till 10pm... v worn out liao... Feels like meeting bunchie... been a couple of days since princess last met up wif them... bt still cant bring to drag princess's butt's outta e bed...

Miss e lying on e green grass... enjoying e fruit of hard work for last year... worry-free... in Paris... n holding tt ice-cream in Princess's hands juz feels so blissful... Chatting wif all-time roomie for incentive trips nw... both she n princess miss 2006 US tour... miss everything of it... miss e ppl... miss e place... miss e feel... miss e air... miss e happiness...

Princess in search for happiness...

Princess SS

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Anticipating a burnt weekend...

Ne Ne & Ni Ni @ metro, Paris (I miss Elites!)
A tuesdae... To work... To work... n to work...
And to anticipate e week to get heavier n heavier as it aproaches e weekend...
Am expected to burn this weekend already...
Burnt weekend... Hai... nothing to look forward to...
So upsetting...
... New challenges ahead... To face it...
Bunchie called... aiyo...Princess lazy to go out... N very tired le...
Can't wait to jump onto e bed... n haf a gd dream...
Princess SS

Mondae Mondae

Groupie @ Notre Dame, Paris
Y does Princess haf to see things tt hurt her yet so deeply? Be strong... be strong... be strong... Princess constantly reminds herself...
It's start of a brand new week again... this week's schedule is so so so packed... needa breather... nt a very gd start tt ah boi nvr pass test... hope tt both ah boi n ah gal will pass soon...
explored a new secret hide-out... nearby office... with very cute toilet sign... *doggie pee-ing toilet sign... very cute... cld haf taken it dwn if had a camera along... F is thr for me again... drinking coffee... Princess hopes to get over e hurt real soon...
Met *** for dinner @ Amara... nt very nice leh e buffet... personally prefers e one @ Goodwood or Mariott... had a gd time cataching up...
Met bunchie @ secret hiding place... had a great time!...
Gonna get back alot of rest to see thru for e rest of e week!
Work hard!
Princess SS

Monday, August 25, 2008

Bad day... Foul mood...

Eiffel Tower within misty grey clouds, Paris
Princess dunno wat had went wrong... N wat to say... n wat to feel... today was juz a very very terrible dae for Princess... nothing seems to go right... right from e start of the dae... from morning till night...

Princess ended e dae wif a heavy heart... very heavy one... thr is so much things to do... so many things to care abt... so many complications abt things... y can't life juz be simple... juz wanna lead a simple life... free of worries... free of troubles... too impossible n too idealistic... hw can thr be no challenges in life...

Heavy feeling... troubled heart... confused mind...

Does e pic describes Princess's feelings best?

"A seemingly lost tower in e middle of gusty misty clouds"

Princess is juz so tired... so tired...

Princess SS

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Wore this t-shirt tt was bgt in Paris, isn't it nice? Haf a pic of street Champ Elysee Paris on it... hee... =D
Le Louvre Pyramid, Paris

Le Louvre Inverted Pyramid, Paris

Rainy rainy day... Princess had dinner wif gal fren @ Ajisen @ Bishan Junction 8... V happy to eat thr... Long time no eat le... Went to funland to play catch catch... N...! caught a mickey toy after juz spending $4!!! Big mickey toy... V happy... Used to play catch catch very often... bt nw seldom le... Nw also no sign massage package... no sign mani-pedi package... think nwPrincess is living a brand new life le! Went home earli coz tomorrow gt office cleaning... Hai... V v earli penalty for a sunday morning... Need to reach office @ 8am... coz late for event in Paris... so had to do penalty... Sobbie... ...
Princess SS

Friday, August 22, 2008

Early morning!!!

Beautiful Eiffel Tower...
Princess slept earli last night @ mid night after reaching home from catchin up wif frens... angry lor... coz Princes parked car @ outside landed... tot tt it's v safe coz no lines on e floor... when cum back... saw an offence slip... ah doi doi... beside Princess's car is a fire hydrant!!! so lesson learnt... Don't park beside a fire hydrant!!! n muz be v careful coz lot of summon ambush!!!
wake up earli todae automatically... decided to go dwn to car to clear n pack car boot... for those who haf see my car boot... knws hw messy is e boot... removed all unwanted r***bish... n nw e car feels much lighter... juz like Princess who feels so much lighter emotionally n physically?!!!! haha... a joke?!...
Going to enjoy my fishball kway teow dry le... n coffee here i cum!!! n did Princess mentioned she's v hunrgy nw?... coz she tried to break her jetlag meal time n slept earli last night w/o eating... "gggRrOOO...
Princess SS

Thursday, August 21, 2008

A busy dae...

Beneath Eiffel Tower, Paris

Princess had a very busy dae working todae... need to work realli realli hard for e last 1/4 of e year ya... income dropping liao...

reached home @ 3am... wah... received my credit cards n hp bills... ah doi doi... so many bills to clear... V upsetting wor... cleared e bills wif a V sian mood... went online to chk my bills charged during Paris trip... Ah doi doi!!! broke for e following month le... Nx month when settle bill tt time then die le... =((

hope tt boi n gal can pass exams soon n cum in faster ah...

Work,work, work... n more work... n more work!!!

Jiayou Princess!!!

Princess SS

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Jetlag meals n sleeping time?!

hey hey... princess is feeling hungry n going to cook instant noodles soon...

hmm... these few days can't sleep until 4am... ah doi doi... need to wake up early to work leh... ah doi doi... muz start to control diet n sleeping time liao...

Princess finally done up her Paris photo album!!!

Tried to upload my photos to friendster n facebook... bt ntwork cannot make it... always half way hang...
Logging off liao...
Princess SS

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Getting back to work!!!

Back to singapore n back to work... Princess is gonna get her engine starting real real soon... but still kinda miss Paris lor... a very beautiful city... wif nice weather... n everydae can doll nice nice n pretty pretty go shopping... n enjoy life... but hor... all these cum from Princess's hard work... so hor... muz realli start to work real hard alreadi...
Princess really miss singapore food alot... today dashed for fishball thick bee hoon dry!!! very very nice to eat!!! finished everything... *slurp slurp... n also gulp dwn nice n thick coffee... "glup glup... such a satisfying breakfast...
Rushed home to from work to eat home cook food... really miss rice!!! Princess loves rice... dwn 2 bowls of rice... n fav lian(2) ou(3) tang(1)... another satisfying meal!!!
Bt onli had 10 mins to eat coz rushing out to meet another client... if only haf more time to eat...
hmm... a few happenings... tt need to think one... need to worry and take care of a couple of things on hand... * stress n worried... hope tt things can be resolved soon... ...
Princess SS

Monday, August 18, 2008

Jet Lag?!!?!!!

it's a beautiful sundae... princess dragged herself outta of e bed to work... feels like nua-ing in e bed for longer... bt gotta meet clients... ah doi doi... haven't touched e bed 4 so many daes... juz miss e softness n cosyness of princess bed... n ydae juz touched e bed @ 5am after reaching home from meeting frens...

reached home after meeting clients... managed to catch e Olympics women finals... Singapore vs China... *interesting...

very tired n dozed off... n woke up @ 12midnight till nw...

princess gonna force herself to sleep nw...

tomorrow still gotta work... muz work hard n earn $$$!!!

ZZZzzz... ...

Princess SS

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Back from Paris!!!

10th Aug 08

Having international buffet @ Goodwood Park wif pilot peck... Yummy yum...
Ate laksa... (best)... dim sum... alot n alot of sweeties for u to choose from... N ending off wif a novenpick ice cream... *satisfied meal...

Pilot peck gave a lift to princess back home to pack luggage to set off for Paris!!!... "huff puff"... abit rushy timing ya... Reached e airport... Yeah!!! Paris here i come!!!...!!!...

11th Aug 08

After a long flight, finally touched down Amsterdam airport for a transit...

Arrived in Paris @ 10am... Nice sunny weather wif chilly wind...

Prudential 1/2 day city tour... brought us to a few icons...

Eiffel tour... (Champ de Mars, e garden near Eiffel Tower is a wonderful garden)

Hotel de Coilson... Nice... (which costs $8k euro per night?!)

Went to Du Louvre to see e pyramids n Mona Lisa... (small drawing only leh...)

Cathedral Notre Dame du Paris... Muz see!!!

N last but nt least... after e city tour... rush back to hotel... head to George V wif Carol n gals... Wah... excited even when walking... thr u haf e biggest LV boutique!!! 4 storeys high leh... but princess only managed to cover e 1st floor... n very gd!!1 nvr purchase anything...
yeah... save $$$

12 Aug 08

Eating e very-not-tasty hotel breakfast... Headed to a famous shopping complex @ Paris... Lafayette... N spent whole dae thr... gt chanel... dior... LV... prada... n many many more...

Went back to hotel to change up for EA dinner... on cruise... one of e best meal ever... very nice scenery... wif view of e lighted up Eiffel Tower @ night... (1st 10mins of every hr @ night gt Eiffel Tower lighting... blue one... very nice... till 1am...) Took alot of pics... nice nice...

13 Aug 08

Walk thru Paris

Quite sianz lor... to places tt been b4 liao... bt hor... found out one chanel n hermes and ferragamo outlet @ metro station concorde... very nice... gt alot of designs thr...

Premium outlet... in e outskirts of Paris... rem muz buy 2 mretro tic... one for within Paris n one for out of Paris... coz gt fine $25 euro!!! for nt knowing... hai... sad... n lost our way to outlet... bt managed to drop by Disney Paris to take a photo n to look look see see abit...

3hrs later... reached outlet... lose to Seattle premium outlet lor... walked away wif only a ferragamo hair clip...

Agency outing on cruise...

14 Aug 08

Trying to cover districts like Champ Elysee... whr we ate very very very very very nice mussels @ cafe Leon... finally visited Concorde again... N then George V...

Went back in cab to prepare for e gala dinner...

Enjoyed e gala... n this yr's FTQ's r overwhelming in numbers!!!

15 Aug 08

Public holidae for Paris...

All e shops n cafes r closed...

Went for walk in e streets of Opera... gt some souveniers and post cards from e streets n a very beautiful faded t-shirt of Paris for myself...

Headed back to Balard... near our hotel area for food... only Mac is open... bt hor... here no pork burger leh...

N yes!!! home sweet home to Singapore!!! (found a chinese food stall @ Amsterdam airport called Hot Wox n gobbled dwn rice wif chicken!!! so happi... miss chinese food so much so much...)

Went to pick up car once princess touched down Singapore... Yeah...

Drove home... no one @ home... ate instant noodles... (but @ least e food is warm to eat...)

Tired n lazy to load pics of e trip as of nw... going out to meet up wif frens le...

Tomorrow still gotta work...

Diaries of Paris
Princess SS

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Beautiful sundae morning...

It's 10am in e morning onli... N guess wat... Princess is already sitting in Subway... sipping her cup of booster,wat she always needs in e morning... N she has already completed her appt!!!

Slept @ 4am plus ydae after reaching home n finish packing... bt gotta catch my doctor client who is flying off soon... gotta settle his admin 4 him lor... ah doi doi... so early hor... hee...

Bt it reali feels different to wake up earli in e morning n start e dae earli... it wld seem tt u've started e dae rite n haf a longer dae ahead!!!

*Princess feeling bitz of gastric pain

Anyway...catching pilot peck for hi-tea ltr... to celebrate his performance @ NDP?!! wahahahahhahahaahahahaha....

hmm... needa go back office to settle a few stuff... by e one can anyone tell Princess is Soc Leon open on Sundae!? needa send car for repair... sianz...

hope tt while i'm nt ard Princess's bao bei boi boi n ger ger will guaiguai study hard 4 their m5... coz they'll be taking tt when Princess is back!

Princess SS

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Happy National Dae~

Can u see e dent on Princess's car?!!
Paint scraped off... dented... N left behind blue paint left behind by e blue lorry tt knocked into princess's car!!!

Driving to an appt... when... "bumppp!!!"

Oh man... A lorry knocked onto the bonnet of Princess's car!!!

Ah doi doi... hw cum like this...

Princess flashed her hazard... High beam... the lorry juz wldn't stop...

Hit & run?!!?!

Oh man... carrying a very heavy mood to meet client... N needless to say... No close lah... No mood liao... Hai... Luckily a few of e IDAC is open on public holidae wor... Reached IDAC... oh man... hit n run case needa report to police to get police report 1st... rush dwn to police station... rushed back to IDAC... juz b4 e IDAC closes todae... Phew... ...

What an upsetting dae... ...

Princess SS

Friday, August 8, 2008

2-in-1 days?!?

Woke up to go to e office in e morning for a interview... settle admin... can't finishef settling all e admin!!!... bt gotta rush dwn to SPC for grp ins training... Woo... Saw a few "ex-colleagues"... hmm... looks tt they r also brunching into grp ins... alot to absrob tho... think to bcum familiar wil need to cum wif practice...

Reached home after training... took a bathe n headed dwn for dinner @ Pho24... this vietnamnese outlet... is very famous in Vietnam... tried b4 when we were @ Vietnam last time... n in Vietnam... this outlet supposed to be 24hrs... juz like 7/11... bt in s'pore is nt...

Ate premium set... seafood combo... hmmm... "yum yum"... e soup nt as tasty as in Vietnam... bt still i enjoyed e dinner... "eh... y u also order e same combo as me... if nt can share share n eat... hee"... "n stop kopping my coke!!!... haha... jokin..." Here comes dessert for e dae... Yum paste... cold yam paste... hmm... nt bad la... Ah doi doi!!! 4get to bring camera again!!! Duhz...

Raining heavily outside e cafe... bt feels cosy sitting inside e cafe... slowly sipping an after-meal coffee...

Satisfied hrs spent after a dae of work...

Any umbrella is a romantic umbrella nw...




Alarm went off... 730am...
needa wake up for TKA!?!
sleepy... i wanna sleep more...

Work, work, work...

Princess SS

The knight that fend my smile...

U r really very gd gf to me...
N i mean it...
Juz tt i dun think i can gif u wat u deserve and e happiness...
I tried but didnt find it back...
So i dun wanna drag coz it will hurt more...

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Everything has come to an end...

For u, i always wish tt u r happi, whether in r/s or after u told me tt u don wan to be wif me anymore, i tell myself tt i wanna act as if nthIng has happened in front of u, so tt u don feel so bad

Altho my heart bleeds deep dwn inside, whenever i c u, i tell myself tt i muz nt shw it, whenever u talk to me i tell myself i muz reply nOrmally, so tt u wont feel bad

BUt haf u ever once considered hw i realli felt b4..

Will u ever care hw i feel..

Juz once...

A long dae... (z.z)

Princess had a long n tiring dae... Out since morning 8am n juz reached home... Having really sleepy n tired eyes...

Upon reaching home... Princess suddenly haf e feel to flip thru old tour photos...

Good old memories in Japan... USA... Canada... & *Las Vegas... in 2006... (^.^)v

Missed tt smile on Princess's....

"It is hard to allow someone to come in your heart to stay,

But it is even harder to chase away the someone who had once stayed."

Princess SS

Tuesday, August 5, 2008


"I hate Mondays"... by Garfield.

Woke up wif a slight headache... Dragged myself out of the bed to get to work... Needa settle alot of stuff for my clients... Oh man... Can't get some of e clients to meet me... Stress... Needa see them urgently... Work work work... Hope tt I can settle them by this weekend... Work work & more work...

Head down to Apple Strudel House after work.

Wah... Long time since Princess had apple strudel... She smiled @ e counter looking @ e display counter of sweeties... Ordered apple strudel, fries and latte...

Oh man! Forgot to bring camera again, Princess! Can't take down e nice food tt princess having... But in fact only e strudel is nice... E fat fries would be better if lightly salted... N e latte wld be better if thicker in caffeine...

"Blah... blah... blah... "

Still feel abit tired... Craving for caffeine... Ordered coffee instead nw... But... Taste as bad!!! Wah... Think Princess finally got e idea tt strudel house is meant for eating strudels ONLY.

"Blah... blah... blah... "

Spent a cosy evening wif F...

Princess headed down to secret hiding place to meet her buddies in e night... N guess who she saw... Frens from e origins!!! They spotted princess n buddies in our new secret hiding place!!! Oh... They've decided to change the location of their secret hiding place too?! Hmm... Weirdz... Princess n buddies were all shocked to see them... Hee...

"Groo groo..." Feeling very very hungy... Princess promised to go home for din din... Looking @ e clock... Oh no... 11pm liao... Luckily nt far from home... Princess drove home quickly n gobbled dwn her porridge din din... while watchin <>...

Woo... So touching... Taiwan drama serials always haf fairy tales like plots...

But does fairy tales really exist in real life?

Tomorrow still gt an early morning... ZZzzzZ...


Princess SS

Monday, August 4, 2008

New week starto!

"Teetee, teetee" Incoming message. 11.38pm 3/8/08

"Ring~~~" Incoming call. 11.47pm 3/8/08 - 12.30am 4/8/08

A call tt brings warmth to princess.

"Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are.
Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky..."

Princess gotta sleep early liao... 2mo still gotta settle a few stuff for clients and... other other stuffs too! when did mondae ever became so busy liao... Duhz... Arrrgghhhh...

Nighty. Sleepy. ZZzzZ...

"If there's something call a Happiness bottle,
that contains sweets of Happiness,
my bottle is currently empty."

Princess SS

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sunny Sundae...

"Starry starry night... Paint ur pallet blue n grey..." lalalala...

Princess applying Bio Essence Marvel Mask. Thinking abt princess's new found love... Vanilla Ceylon tea... Slowly sipping it into her mouth wif its fragrant aroma... Wif a slight tinge of sweetness in this tea tt seems to dilute e bitterness in her heart away... This tea is juz nice on its very own taste... ... ... E times when tt special someone wld squeeze her blackheads for her... times when he wld trim her eyebrow... times when... .... "STOP!!!"

Stop the side tracking of ur mind trails princess... todae is a rest dae for u... ample rest is needed to start e new week... Hope tt e new week is brand new week of hope... N happiness will slowly find her way back... Altho e knight tt used to fend ur smile is no longer ard anymore... Princess will surely find her smile back... It may nt be an easy path... But... Its a test make princess emerge an even stronger person... Princess... U muz jiayou oh!!!

Focus on recruitment n production!

All e way!

Princess SS

~2nd of August

Y do I woke up with a teary face? Felt suffocated thru a series of happenings from ydae... V much affected yet putting on a very strong front thru out... Grabbed e phone n called F. After an hr of conversation, I felt much much better... Thank you F... For spending time to console me... When I needed a listening ear moz...

@ this point in time, I'm really very glad to haf frens who spend time wif me to get me thru this tough patch... JC fren called... Hi-tea @ Goodwood Park... Here we come!!! =)

Yummy... This is e 1st time tt I go Goodwood Park for hi-tea... This time round we'e chosen to try e English Hi-tea instead of e more fulfilling looking International Hi-tea... It's a pity tt I did nt bring a camera wif me to take down e pictures of e lovely food tt we had... N both agreed tt e ambience here is wonderful too...

As we ate, e pianoist played songs... Songs like Ai Ru Chao Shui, Heaven Knows, Somewhere Out There...etc... U knw rite... Songs tt r v my era one!!!...

N as I listened... Memories being to flood my mind. I recalled e 1st time tt I walked into Goodwood Park... wif BB... It was a nite tt was adventurous, fun n totally exciting... We went in wif no agenda on mind... In e middle of e nite... Strolled thru e hallway of Goodwood 1st floor... Linked to another walkway... to another walkway... to another walkway... Laughing... E time spent was special to me... I enjoyed e time alotz... It was one of e happiest moment of my life... "Pls allow e clock to rewind to tt moment n stop thr... I wish I cld hold on to tt nite 4eva..."

N as I recalled... I started to feel afraid tt this happy memory of mine will be gone in time v soon... It scared me... My heart really ached alot when I woke up to reality tt I need to let go of this memory... Whether I like it or nt... It's no longer a choice to me... I need to let it go... To stop e bleeding of my heart... E tot triggered me to set up this blog to pen dwn my memories... which I hope in e days to come... Sorrows shall dissolve in e crystallization of happiness.

Home after D session wif D buddies!