Monday, October 27, 2008

Rest is precious...

I wanna rest rest rest till e sun don't shine... ohooh...
Princess is looking forward to a v v good rest... gotta work even on weekends n PH... oh man... realli wanna get a rest soon... Soooooo looking forward!!!
Princess SS

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Not feeling v well... =(

Princess is not feeling v well these few days... stomach nt feelin well... n gt backaches... signs of od age...? sobbie... however... still gotta work... n still forecasting a busy week coming ahead nx week... working on this sat too...

Thanks to best fren who acc Princess to satisfy her strudel craving tt dae!!! *yummy...

N thanks to best fren todae who popped by my show to acc me for a meal... realli like c ing rainbow in the mist of clouds... *phew...

Needa work v hard... jiayou...

Hope to feel well soon...

Princess SS

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yipee ya x 2 yipee x 2 ya

Last fri's appt @ RC...
Fri work... sat work... sun... hmm... Princess was able to satisfy her morning bak guk teh craving... met her best fren for breakfast on a beautiful sundae morning... then after tt went M & P... n it's time to rest for e coming week!!!
Monday... start of a brand new week... of coz start wif loads of work... selling + mentoring... jiayou Princess...
After appt... met up wif "old frens"... whoa... went to our fav supper place last time... omg... v v guilty tt Princess actualli ate quite alot fo supper... muz quit!!! one of e bestest gathering Princess had this year when she can realli luff from e heart...
Sleepy... earli earli tomorrow!!!
Quick Zzzzzzzzzzzzzz........!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Princess SS

Friday, October 17, 2008

Gals night out!

Super duber... duber super... super duber BUSY... after a night gathering out wif gals... today started work from 9am to 10pm... tiredzzz... sleepy... ZZZzzz...

Princess SS

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Princess gg into spree!

Princess went for EE todae... after meeting in office... yipee ya ya yipee yipee ya... Had dinner wif family b4 meeting bunchie... n supposed to go for a gathering to meet a fren who juz came back from overseas... however got another fren who needs a listening ear n Princess can't juz leave fren thr... so decided to tend to e fren in need instead tho wished much to go for gathering... went to a secret hiding place whenever we were down we happened to juz tink of tt place... since 2006... sat down n chatted till e cafe closes... n even extended another 1hr+ of chat outside... however... e time spent was realli well spent... n enjoyed quality time wif fren...

eyes v v tired nw... tucking in nw... sleepy... *yawnz...

Princess SS

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Princess is craving for Ribena!!!

yipee ya ya yipee yipee ya...~~

Yeah... e busy busy weekend is finalli over!!! can take a little breather... but expected to be busy e following weeks till year end coz last 1/4 of e year...?!

Princess finished work n juz felt like dashing out of e buzzing city to back home to relax at her fav corner... sipping a cup of hot camomile tea... woo... realli feeling v relax after a busy shedule... Princess is enjoying e quiet moment nw...

Princess done up her collection of beautiful n cute earrings all from Korea n Japan packed nicely into a Kimchi Doll box... *satisfied... so nice...

Princess SS

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Big ARROW fallen...

yipee ya ya yipee yipee ya

Princess SS

Friday, October 10, 2008

Hope is all ard!!!

Run for Hope last Sunday!
Princess SS

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cheers to my life!!!

Yummy foodie after a tiring day of work... (@ Bab Noodle House)

Nice beer!!! 0.5l =D

Celebrating October Fest... Isn't e muggie balloon cute?

After a long dae of work Princess finally got to sit down to enjoy her dinner... n it was already 9pm!!! Famished!!! After dinner went over to haf a drink... woo hoo... chance upon a celebration of October Fest @ e place... e place was quite hyped up n Princess n ger fren was dragged down to dance to a song by e performers...! all eyes were on us while we were dancing... abit uneasy... guess we r nt too peacock ya... but realli enjoyed ourselves... went home after a "screaming @ e top of our lungs chat" @ e bar... n we've come up wif mission possible plans to be executed nx week... wahahahhahahahaha... gonna take a rest nw... ZZzzz...

Princess's self imaginery full filled bottle of happiness which in reality was empty for e past 1 year is finalli 1/2 filled nw...

Princess SS

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Join Princess~

"Join me for a fun & exciting career!"
Princess SS

Don't wanna bump into U again...

Juz reached home...
Opps... Princess upside down...
It shows hw toppled Princess is as she has bumped into so coincidently for 2 consecutive days!!! Hope tt will nvr, ever, bump into again...
Princess in her fav t-shirt... nice?
Todae... another dae of earli morning... but also a happy incentive dae... XO lunchie... followed by Reflex... followed by Mama Mia...!!! Then had dinner @ Vivo @ Thai... oops... dunno wat... bt had nice food... their bee hoon tom yam is fantastic!!! Tomorrow another earli dae... haf been earli till late night for consecutive 1 week plus... needa break... wanna haf more productive things on hand... PRODUCTIVE... Jiayou!!!
Princess SS

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Princess wanna work hard~

Life is unpredictable n vunerable...
Every hr, every min, every sec...
It is living thru an experience...
Tt evokes feelings...
Feelings of happiness...
Feelings of sadness...
ABC teaches us to feel good...
N feeling good will attract good...
Every min...
U will not know if e thing tt appears before u...
Will bring u happiness or sadness...
But impt thing is to know tt it's ur life...
N u take charge in steering ur own life...
Towards achieving a sweet life!!!

Princess SS

Friday, October 3, 2008

Princess appearing on Straits Times today!!!

Princess woke up and chk on Ome's right eye... Ome's eye better liao!!! Can open bigger liao... tink he muz realli haf knocked into something bah... Glad tt his eye is recovering liao!!! =)


haha... final sprint post syndrome... wahaha...

Todae Princess finalli haf e chance to try out e Muthu's Curry @ Suntec!!! hee... actualli e food thr nt bad lah... bt warning... e serving is realli quite big... one of e dish tt e indian waiter intro is realli v nice... fried spice mutton... ohyishi desu... (*Princess forgot to bring camera to take down all e Bombay dishes!!! =( ) Princess is happi to meet up wif this fren who juz came back from his training in Perth & Brisbane... n e gd news is... he is gg to officially start flying in comin Nov! Congrats!!! =D Princess promised to take e flight tt he is flying one dae to a destination to tour tgt...

N all clients and friends of Princess... Princess is gg to appear on Straits Times todae!!! Pls gif Princess ur fullest support by buying e newspaper n cutting e article out?!? haha... duhz...

Earli earli morning 2mo... aarrggghhhhh... i want to work hard n earn more $$$...

Princess SS

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Happy Hari Raya...

A very beautiful public hols... had a great guay tiao breakfast @ home sweet home... "teetee..." sms came in... but Princess is not free in e day coz got appts to run on this public hol!!! ah doi doi... woke up earli so as to haf some time to indulge in M & P b4 gg for work... n was indulging in some WS too.... yeah... bt half way gotta halt... aarrggghhh...

Went to client's house for appt... recently had been exposed to a bit of family business... hmmm... whr is e flat!!?? luckily client is kind enuff to gif patient guidance to Princess... Princess's patience has grown from bad to gd seriously... used to be v frustrated if can't find bt nw v v calm...

Afterwhich rush for another appt coz overshot timing le!!! n finalli.. ended e dae wif teachin candidate m9... hope tt they'll do well coming time...

Went home to bathe b4 meeting bunchie @ secret hiding place... enjoyed this particular night... enjoyed their company...

N did Princess mention tt she is v upset coz Ome's right eye is injured... so sad... n worried for Ome... when will he recover?? Princess don even haf a clue hw Ome injured his eye... muz be climb here n thr lor... Poor Ome... so notti...

Princess SS

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

- loaded wif work week -

Reached home after working... lying on e bed... listening to Princess's fav Class 95 of love songs... n sipping tt cup of steaming Camomile tea... wooooo... really feel v relax... wif those soothing songs to Princess's ears...
Supposed to attend a client's bdae party... but can't go coz of work... here's wishing her a v happy birthday!
N after work promised a fren to go supper... bt also last min din go... sorry zx... promise to catch ya soon... been some time since we last catch up...
Princess been caught up wif work recently... n after work juz feel like dashing home to relax... hee...
Oh ya... received a red bomb from a v gd fren todae... whoa... congrats Rom Rom... ^.^
Can u see Princess's precious Ome in e picture? Nowadays... Ome juz loves e camera... everytime he sees Princess walking to his cage... he'll excitedly pop up n cum to greet... n when he sees e camera he's even more excited... n starts to bite e grills... so cute... Princess loves u soooo... muacks!!!
Ok... Princess gonna relax abit b4 tucking in... nightie nights...
Princess SS