Sunday, August 30, 2009

The sweetest thing

The sweetest thing on earth is to receive a drink from your agent @ the roadshow...

Princess SS

Friday, August 21, 2009


Met a friend for a catch up session... 10pm @ lao di fang... Evokes many tots of Princess... Work... Personal... Health... A person whom Princess thinks know her well... A coming to 10 years friend of Princess... Never fails to put Princess's mind and soul @ ease upon conversing... However... something abt this friend is lacking... Lacks e something... Can't tell what is the something... Something maybe... evident in 2000 - 2004... Trying hard to think... But anyway... Princess don't wanna think so much... Juz wanna let things flow with nature... Very worried... But Princess muz have faith... Have faith...

Good health... Good wealth... Good blessings...

Princess SS

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


The only thing that remains constant in this world is change...

Princess SS

Thursday, July 16, 2009


I want to BREATHE...
I want to BREATHE...
I want to BREATHE...

Princess SS

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Jia you Princess~

I love my CAR...
Happy father's day!
Very very stressed up...
Princess SS

Monday, June 1, 2009

No title...

When disgust is sent down the throat...
\When tears flowed back to the eyes...
When things get tough...
Princess SS

Sunday, May 31, 2009

I LOVE AarON...~~~

Aaron Kwok in ACT!!!

It's Aaron Kwok's concert today!!! Princess rushed down from Pru Suntec Seminar to watch the concert... Everywhere fuming with ppl... very squeeezy... Need to queue for 1/2hr to eat a "chop chop" Wang Jiao laksa... An extremely unfulfilling dinner taken... =(...

The concert starts... with extremely good looking Aaron... Wah... Tonnes of cantonese songs in the beginning... Then starts to flash his rotating Guiness World record stage?!... He is really very mesmerizing and charimastic...

He started to sing more chinese songs and then... Showing his "water stage"... he is realli very muscular... Woo... And his wet look is... Woo~~~...

And he went off the stage... N Encore...

And he went off the stage... N Encore...

And he went off the stage... n ENCORE...

He encore THRICE!!! his concernt lasted @ a whopping 3hrs and ended @ 1145pm...

Princess SS

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Little dining places makes Princess relax...

Tea & Coffee Paradise...
New found fav dining place...
Princess is very stress lately... Has been having frequent headaches and flu...
Recently been havingf nightmares abt e thoughts in e day...
Wanna pull thru soon...
Princess will persevere...
Princess SS

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I miss my old days...

I missa my HOLIDAYS!!!
I really miss the days that I am free and that I can do whatever I like and earn $ @ the same time!!! Today feel very sad... Coz not feeling well since morning... and had to do stay in the office still to complete all the stuff that I need to do... And guess what... I am still giving coaching now! Really muz endure and work very very hard this year...
Princess SS

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


Comfort in Prudential Incentive Trip in Macau... *Snooze...
Busy to update bloggy recently... Not enuff sleep... *Snooze snooze... Princess wants more sleep...
Princess SS

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Sweat... =<

Tough tough tough!!I muz work doubly hard to learn the ropes and climb on shore! jiayou jiayou to chiong chiong chiong...!!!...
Towards a better tomorrow!!!
Princess SS

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Very very busy Jan09!!! What a way to start e year off wif... after incentive trips to Hong Kong & Osaka have been packed... N this year's CNY is really fast... It's juz gone in a blink of an eye... *faint... Originally gg on a trip wif frens!!! but gotta cancel due to work... Hai... Already paid for e budget airline n e hotel fees... Have to forsake all e $$$!!!! AAAaaarrrRRgggHHHhh... But then again... even go for e trip also won't feel happy coz will worry abt work back here! Gg to work doubly hard... DOUBLE...
Princess SS

Sunday, January 18, 2009


Beautiful view, isn't it?
Cheers to the new year!

Have a gd run 2009!

Work hard work hard work hard!!!

Princess SS

Thursday, January 15, 2009


Guess whr is Princess??... Osaka!!! "Da ban!"

FOC Hong Kong
Princess is happy with her free trips to Hong Kong, Osaka & Kyoto!!!
Nice place to visit & 5 star hotels to stay all free of charge!!!
Yeah... Very busy wth work.. not much time to write...
Tt's all for now!!!

Princess SS

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Updates from long heard Princess!!!

Princess's new toy acquisition from catch catch!!! $2!!!
Wish u a Merry Xmas & a Happy New Year!!!

Andy's concert...

Princess's xing*1 gan*1 bao*3 bei*4 Omelette!!!
Princess long time no update her blog le!!! coz really v v v busy wif work till also not enuff slp liao!! running for R and also prod... nw finally haf e time to take a small breather... having a slight headache... tired still... hee... anyway... had a fun fun bday celebration... fun fun xmas celebration... n also yeah...! 2009 is here... May all things go smoothly in this year ya... Happy New Year 2009!!!